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I of the Dragon CHEAT

Cheat Codes:

Type the following codes while playing:

Code Result
YOUWIN - Win Mission
TOPLSAN - God Mode
MAPGOUING - Show Entire Map
FJKDKEARW - Unlimited Respiration

Registry Cheat:
Submitted by: Haspa

-> Run registry editor...
-> Then go to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER..
-> In this select Software tab & double click on it...
-> Now double click on Primal Tab...
-> Now again double click on Dragon tab...
-> Select Debug tab...
-> In this tab you have to select Invulnerability option at the
right side of explorer bar...
-> Change the value of Invulnerability 0 to 1..
-> This will gives you god mode in Game...
-> Now at last point a option named Statreduction is there...
-> Change its value to 0 to 1...

Exact aim:
Get the target on screen. Then, pause game play and use the mouse to
select your target. Resume the game and your dragon should attack the
selected spot.
Then, repeat the process. This is very useful when you must destroy
the evil town.

Condition: To use the following trick, you must have a saved game.
Then open with the Registry-Editor the path
in the Windows Registry. Double click on the entry "Invulnerability",
select the data type "hexadecimal" and change the value to 1.
Now the dragon is immune to all attacks.

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